Empowerteen is looking for “Big Sib Mentors” who would like the experience of working hands on with participants in the tween and teen Empowerteen Summer Retreats. It’s such a great opportunity for individuals who are fun role models, who show leadership skills and love contributing to the larger community.
An understanding and passion for working with this population and their parents and spreading awareness about this beneficial program to the community would make you an ideal candidate. Empowerteen alumni receive preference.
• Each retreat week runs for 5 days (Monday through Friday) from 10am-4pm. We meet each day of the retreat week at 9:15am, at the designated venue for that retreat, and do a follow-up meeting until 4:45pm each day.
• Junior/Seniors in High School or College Students: There is a Middle School Retreat that runs July 29th-Aug 2nd, 2024. We are looking for some great mentors between 17-22 years old to mentor these tweens (they’re 11-14 yrs old and going into 6th-7th-8th grades). There will be a 2-hour training meeting before the week of the retreat. You will get 42 hours of volunteer or internship credit for this experience, plus a letter of recommendation. More hours available upon request.
• College Students or Recent College Grads: There is a High School Retreat that runs July 15th-19th, 2024. We are looking for some great mentors between 19-24 years old to mentor these teens (they’re 15-18 yrs old and going into 9th-10th-11th-12th grades). You can mentor at one week or more, depending on your availability, as long as you are there every day of the retreat week to which you commit. You are also eligible to mentor at the Middle School Retreat listed above. There will be a 2-hour training meeting in July. You will get 42 hours of volunteer or internship credit for this experience, plus a letter of recommendation. More hours available upon request or by participating at multiple retreats.
• We will have a 2-hour orientation and training meeting before the retreats commence with refreshments and chocolates (yes, please!). The dates of the training are TBD. Training is mandatory. If you cannot be present in person it can be arranged that you do a Zoom video or FaceTime presence. Sorry, no virtual chocolate will be available.
• Apply by sending an email of interest to [email protected]
• It’s easy, fun, and fills your heart with love!
Duties Expected:
-correspondence with staff and director about awareness of special needs for specific participants who require attention
-set up/break down yoga equipment and other learning equipment
-clean off equipment that gets dirty and help keep things tidy
-connect and communicate with participants during lessons, games, activities, and share group at the retreat
-develop camaraderie with other mentors, staff, volunteers, teachers, and director
-help adolescents realize they are valued and important and deserve kindness
-sign commitment contract, complete background check, and fill out thank you notes for all involved in events, including the participants
The ideal candidate will need to be discreet, kind, enthusiastic, non-confrontational, outgoing, have good use of judgement and good affect to work well with teens, their parents, staff, guest professionals, the director, and the public in general. Good social interaction skills in person will be vital to this role as you will be representing the program and what it stands for in the public eye. Problem-solving with the ability to think on your feet, as well as a mind for contributing to brainstorming and strategizing ideas with the program director are needed.
Good candidate will have transportation to arrive on-site to the 90 minute Saturday meeting, and to the Jenkins Estate each day of the designated retreat they have committed to attend. Will be available by phone and e-mail for updates and other communication. Can easily collaborate with other interns who will be working on event coordination, social media and website content, video and photo content.
Intern for this position will receive class credit for the work completed, or volunteer hours or community service hours, as well as letter of reference from the director, Dr. Paula Pilcher.
Do you have a passion for helping youth raise their self-esteem, reach their full potential and change the world? Join Empowerteen in its efforts today!
Go to the Volunteer Page and see other opportunities to serve your community!